basically i was beyond ready to have this space complete. i am a big supporter of not having any papers on the refrigerator. all my girls' school papers and sports schedules were hanging from the frig and it was driving me batty. when we dreamed of this space i knew i wanted it to be crazy functional and a spot where things could be hidden in a tidy-like manor. so this is what i came up with...
the mud room tour, folks!
these two images are what you see when you look from the dinning room into the hallway to the garage door. the double doors on the right are my pantry (and you couldn't pay me money to open them and show you right now... they are also on the "find calm out of chaos" list as well.
my hubs made me the awesome arrows and i got the frame at goodwill for $1 and the "hello" chipboard from america's greatest store, hobby lobby for $2. The metal hanging basket is an Ikea find.
the medium sized clothes pins are also from the most fabulous store on earth, hobby lobby.
the door at the end of the cubbies goes out to our backyard. we also have a sliding glass door off of our dining room but figured it would be nice to have another door into our mud room. i've been happy it's been there!
that's probably because I just cleaned it because i was blogging it today. this place is usually filled with mud.. hence the name mud room. =)