Best of wished to you, girl! Whether it's an Aveda school or college.. I know you are going to do GREAT things!
Katie is wrapping up my 2016 year of SENIORS! And man our session together was just perfect! We had it scheduled for a weekend but we looked ahead at the forecast and it was supposed to be 38, windy with snow. Sooooo.. we took advantage of the 73 degree weather days before and got her session done!
Best of wished to you, girl! Whether it's an Aveda school or college.. I know you are going to do GREAT things!
Meet one of my bestest friends.. Erin and her family.
It's been awhile since we've done a family session because we've been waiting for a birth mom to pick them to parent their 3rd child. Well... that happened last month. Emotionally they were on the top of a mountain. They met him. Named him. Cuddled him.. and in the blink of an eye the birth mama changed her mind and decided to mother her son. I have never watched a family deal with a loss so beautifully as Erin and Andy. Their hearts hurt.. badly. They prayed for their new child for 5 years. As Erin has dealt with the excitement and heartache of their loss I will ALWAYS remember her words.. "I asked God to use me.. I can't chose Him to use me in ways that aren't painful." So true and raw and God breathed. This is their family right here and now. Do we all believe their family will be bigger in the future? You betcha! For now.. they chose joy as they wait again. Knowing that the baby they've prayed for will be in their home forever.. soon. Love you guys. You can read more of their story on her blog: I always know I'm going to have lots of fun and laughs when the Sahlhoff session is on my calendar! This session was no different.. their kids have such fun personalities and I LOVE being able to capture them! And I'll be honest.. I got the best smiles out of Tucker when I mentioned a certain little girl.. it was like a light switch! Til next time, Amber and Dustin and kids! Karington was a JOY to work with! She cracked me up, was dressed to the "T" and we just completely hit it off. I have a new bud! Hope you have an amazing time at Ball State next year girl!
My inlaws were due for some updated family pics!!! I won he lottery when I married into the family I did.. they are just amazing! Love that we have kids the same age too.. they adore each other!
Oh my word this family.. basically I laughed the entire time while I was with them! I have three daughters of my own so it seriously felt like I was watching our own family pictures being taken. I could relate to the sophisticated eldest, the cutie-patootie middle and the rambunctious baby. So, so hilarious! We got some AMAZING shots and mama has her gallery and is already crazy happy.. in turn makes me crazy happy!
Meet Joel.
The baby of the Kropf family.. I've taken all four of the Kropf kids' senior portraits so I had a moment of silence as Joel's session marked the end of a Kropf family era! He's just as cool as his family.. enjoyed getting to know the youngest Kropf! BEST WISHES to you, Joel! I know you are going to do big things in your life! Rylee is a gorgeous, quiet speaking senior from Goshen High School. We had fun walking the streets of downtown Goshen as well as a local park. I know she's going to do GREAT things with her life.. can't wait to see it all unfold!
I think Priscilla won't forget her senior session for a long time.. she recently had ACL surgery so we walked slowly from spot to spot to make sure she wasn't in too much pain! Bless her heart she was a trooper and claimed to have a ton of fun so I'll trust that she did! I know I had a great time with her and want to wish her the best of luck with her future college plans!
Man... I say this a lot about my clients but I just love my time with the Douglas family! Their girls are fun and obedient and so, so gorgeous. You are doing SO MANY things right, Gabe and Jenny! Can't wait til next year!